Videos keep two of our five senses occupied and that’s the reason why videos nowadays are more popular. Especially, YouTube videos! Nowadays solution to every problem is a YouTube video! Either learning a simple cooking dish or understanding to handle an app, watching a movie or just a series. The answer is YouTube. The several YouTubers have a solution to your everyday problem and you can learn anything and everything!

But what encourages the makers to create such videos? Just passion? Not actually! These videos do bring in a lot of money and fame altogether. So all of you having a passion for shooting videos and wanting to make some money instantly should follow these simple steps.

1. Be Organised
First, create a separate email for your videos and try not to make the name much complex keeping in mind the viewers you will gain in future. Try to figure out what videos you are going to make. Don’t start haphazardly and bring on every other issue. If you want to make on sports or politics stick to that and don’t bring in a lot of themes and issues. This will give you an edge. Try to select some unique topics and things to work on.

2. Everything’s In A Name
A catchy name for your Youtube Channel is of utmost necessity. A three or four line name with an appeal that pretty much sums up about your channel or if it is a daily vlog, something very close and matching to your character should be the choice. Remember your name shouldn’t match with other channel names, should be unique enough. You are assisted by the fact that you can add relevant keywords in your settings in the Advance section. A crunchy new image to your channel can add more crisp.

3. The Content
Don’t judge a book by its covers. Imagine you buy a book that has a catchy name and tagline and cover and while you start drowning yourself in the pages you start not liking the content. How will you feel? Exactly when someone will click on your channel and fail to get a good dose of knowledge or entertainment from your content you will lose your subscribers. Nothing should be violent, copyrighted or hateful to begin with. The content should stand out from your counterparts and give reasons to people on why they should follow you.

4. Defining Videos
People nowadays first look for explanations before viewing just to know if that’s what they are searching for on YouTube. So a video description is just to let them know what they should look forward to.

5. Be Consistent
Engagement is very important. Rome was not built in a day. One video can’t give you all that you want or give you fame. You have to keep up the quality of your video and keep on uploading at intervals. That’s what will get the views, that’s what will get the likes and the subscriptions.

6. Like, Subscribe And Share
That should work like a mantra for you. To keep attracting your viewers you have to keep on the engaging crowd and posting on all social media- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. More comments and shares will bring you more fame. You can also embed it in different websites and blogs. Wait till it goes viral.

7. Monetization
This feature allows Youtube to display ads in or on your video and you acknowledge that your video has no unmentioned copyright issues. This can be activated, by going to the ‘channel setting tab’ and clicking on the option of ‘Monetize with Ads’. If your content is good then YouTube might send you a message saying “Apply for revenue sharing for You Video”.

8. AdSense
The next step is to set up a Google AdSense account and link it to your Youtube account. This is the most important step, as it allows you to collect your revenue. Google will pay you for each view and add click.
AdSense can be downloaded for free, the revenue can only be received if you have a bank or PayPal account or a mail address.

9. Promoting And Increase Traffic
Checking for improvement and analysing is most important. Understanding the problem if you are not getting views or ad, as expected, is very important. Video Analytics is the number of views, ad performance, minutes watched, age-group of people who’ve watched it etc. You have to understand if your content is reaching the target audience or not.

So what are you waiting for? If you have the talent and idea go for it.